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Wyróżniamy naszych Klientów i ich produkty za sprawą druku w technologii Led UV na ploterze stołowym o formacie zadruku 3,2 x 2 m z możliwością zastosowania przeróżnych podłoży do grubości 5 cm z uwzględnieniem innowacyjnych efektów, co daje olbrzymi zakres zastosowań i pozwala nam na tworzenie niesamowitych produktów.

elementy wyposażenia wnętrz, np. druk na szkle (ścianki działowe, szkło kuchenne), frontach meblarskich, tapetach, podobraziach, itp.; oznakowania w przestrzeniach branży HoReCa; kalendarze książkowe z nadrukiem na okładce w pełnym formacie; medale; obrazy na drewnie / płycie MDF z efektem struktury; elementy wystawiennicze z efektem soczewki (wystawy sklepowe, elementy scenografii, i inn.); elementy standardowych materiałów POS, np. wyróżniający header do standu

We produce packaging that helps our clients present the value of their products.

Solid cardboard packagings, laminated packagings, exclusive packagings or decorative paper bags.

We support clients in increasing sales through innovative POS constructions.

Stands, wooblers, displays, hangers, shelstopers, price strips, dispensers, pendants, advertising gadgets and exhibition furniture.

We provide tools that exceed standards, providing technological advice and distinguishing solutions, thus enhancing the prestige of services provided by our clients.

Pharmacy, HoReCa, food, clothing, cosmetics, electronic, music, entertainment, publishing, incl. menu cards, pendants, puzzles, maps, board games, instructions.

We help clients develop their businesses through unique branding materials.

Ring binders, briefcases, business cards, brochures, folders, catalogs, blocks, notepads, bureaus, calendars.

products that we implement for you


We design and deliver top class packaging that not only optimizes transport costs, but also presents the value of each product from the best side.

POS materials

We present the best solutions in the area of products supporting sales, ie wobblers, displays and hangers, thus helping to multiply the profits of customers.

Standard polygraphic products

All our productions are a perfect result of the work of an experienced team using imagination and modern technology.

Products dedicated to various industries

We support our clients
in their specific tasks, offering solutions,
that help you achieve your goals.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sit amet turpis vel justo luctus dictum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean vitae nisl tortor.

services we provide for you

Doskonałe produkty: POSM, woblery, display naladowy, dyspenser grawitacyjny tu rozpoczynają swoją drogę.


We will design the best solutions, visualize the ideas in the constructor's program, giving you the opportunity to check and adjust them before implementation into production.

Introligatornia: kaszerowanie, sztancowanie, sklejanie, falcowanie, oprawa szyta i klejona.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sit amet turpis vel justo luctus dictum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean vitae nisl tortor.

Introligatornia: kaszerowanie, sztancowanie, sklejanie, falcowanie, oprawa szyta i klejona.


We will conduct an audit of the correctness of files for printing, we will do the imposition and we will light the printing plates having in mind the quality of each subsequent process, so that the final effect of our work will meet your expectations.

Druk opakowań, produkty POS przy udziale najpiękniejszych barw.


We will print on offset or digital sheet machines depending on the production specification to meet the quality requirements of your order.

Drukarnia offsetowa RAGUS dostarczy Twój produkt lub przechowa go w magazynie.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sit amet turpis vel justo luctus dictum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean vitae nisl tortor.

Druk opakowań, produkty POS przy udziale najpiękniejszych barw.


We will manufacture products from cardboard, PVC, polypropylene, polycarbonate, MDF and other materials as well as construction prototypes on a cutting and milling plotter, giving you the opportunity to validate the product.

Introligatornia: kaszerowanie, sztancowanie, sklejanie, falcowanie, oprawa szyta i klejona.


We provide you with a comprehensive execution of the order through a wide range of bookbinding services to distinguish your product in a unique way.

Drukarnia offsetowa RAGUS dostarczy Twój produkt lub przechowa go w magazynie.


We will provide you with logistics efficiency in all areas optimizing production costs with the support of the MIS / ERP system and continuous improvement of processes.



High quality stickers

„All work ordered has been carried out with due diligence, maintaining the appropriate colors and in accordance with the agreed dates. / … / we can recommend PP RAGUS as a reliable and responsible partner who has extensive experience and a professional team. ”

Laminated packaging for products

„Our company is satisfied with the work done in the RAGUS printing house.
The service is comprehensive, careful, and produced materials have  high quality.”

Maps for globes and packaging

„We have been cooperating with the RAGUS printing house for over 25 years in the field of printing services. / … / Professional staff service, their openness to all proposals for perfecting cooperation, initiative and creativity / … / allows you to recommend this company as a proven business partner.”

they trusted us

they trusted us

sales department

Tomasz Sierański

tel. +48 504 028 944

Dominika Kania

tel. +48 509 127 508

Mariusz Kowalski

tel. +48 572 516 844

Dorota Szostak

tel. +48 504 028 495

Our team consists of experienced people with printing preparation who comprehensively deal with every project. The technological knowledge developed over the years enables them, to optimize production costs using the MIS / ERP system, and consequently, provide the customer with a more advantageous offer.
They lead the customer through the entire production process, they provide advice and help whenever there is a need.
Feel free to contact us!


We will set you up in everything, we have short deadlines.


We will take care of the smallest details, we are available to you 24/7.


We will present you with concepts that will meet your expectations.


We will give you the best tools - the synergy effect of technology and imagination

Przedsiębiorstwo Poligraficzne RAGUS J.Ragus M.Ragus Sp.J.

ul. Letniskowa 4
08-440 Pilawa, Poland